So I'm awake in the middle of the night and I need to do something to calm my mind down, and there's something about meditation and
pranayama that are just not cutting it right now (like... I'm not good enough at them yet!). So here I am. And I think "I should post something that's not heavy," but it's the middle of the night. It's all heavy right now.
The reason I'm awake is that I'm tachycardic. This happened once a couple of weeks ago, also on a Sunday night when I'd had a particularly miserable week the week before with the kiddos that I watch. I'm nervous about going back to work tomorrow (and I have them for the whole day), so the nerves bypass my conscious brain and go straight to my heart rate. Meditation is just making me worry more (note to self: practice meditation), so I'm doing an outside thing to calm my mind and maybe work out some of the heebie-jeebies about tomorrow.
This week in teacher training, we read the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most fabulous little book. It's a dialogue between Krishna, a chariot driver, and Arjuna, a prince. In the beginning, Arjuna is about to go into battle against some evil usurpers of the throne. He asks Krishna to drive the chariot in between the two armies so he can see what he's up against and looks his whole family smack in the face. His cousins, his uncles, his teachers... they're all there, ready to fight against him. So Arjuna does what any prince would do.
He has a total panic attack. (Sounds familiar.)
So Arjuna starts hyperventilating into a paper bag and saying things like "it'd be better for me to die than all these guys... even if I won, life wouldn't be worth living without my family." He throws down his bow, sits down in the chariot, and starts crying. His chariot driver, Krishna, looks at him and is like "really? Really?" and Arjuna says "what? YOU tell me what to do. I'm your student. Instruct me and I'll do whatever you say." In a surprise twist, Krishna the charioteer is god. So Krishna explains that he has to fight, because choosing not to fight is choosing evil. He's not condoning violence... the whole thing is an allegory for the fight that we have inside ourselves every day. In that fight, it's hard to kill a part of ourselves, but choosing not to fight the bad parts of ourselves is letting them win.
The part that really sticks out to me is when Krishna tells Arjuna not to be attached to the results. "Don't worry about if you win. Just fight." It brought up a lot of memories for me of times when I was much less attached to the results of what I did, mostly musically. When I wasn't so worried about getting a job, or whether getting a graduate degree in flute performance was worth it, I practiced better. I was less worried. I was happier. I tell myself that I'm just being practical, but the worrying and the wondering doesn't do anything but undermine my own fight, just like Arjuna's wondering would have undermined him if he hadn't lucked out and had Krishna for a taxi driver.
So here's to detaching from the results, and to detaching from tomorrow.