Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Six (Still A Failure)


Yesterday I had a very... uh... negative bodily response to the idea of going to yoga. I was tired, my joints hurt, and I was feeling a little bit on the down-side. Maybe more than a little bit. So instead of going to yoga, I took a nap and felt a little bit better afterward. I felt like I was having a reaction against this idea of continuity. Some part of me really hates routine, especially self-induced routine, because it feels a little like an addiction process. I must have been really addicted to something in a previous life, because I shy away from anything that feels like addiction, even habit. Even habits I like. I can't even commit to one brand of deodorant for too long.

But I'm not going to be beaten by freaking going to yoga once a day and blogging about it, so today was back in the saddle. I taught a class this morning and think I may have accidentally killed my regulars trying out all the new poses I learned this week, and then I took just a basic vinyasa class at the studio down the block this evening. I was still triggered from feeling like a Yoga Failure, I think, and I tried to go into it with the best attitude that I could, but to be honest, it's just not my week. I feel bloated and I'm eating a lot of chocolate, I don't feel lithe at all, and these issues with arm balances are really starting to bother me. Plus, it looks like I'm starting to have issues with my balance in general. So I'm trying, but it was weird.

But there was one minor victory- I made it successfully into a new bind that I've never been able to get before. It looked like this:

So tomorrow is back to business. I'm teaching four times this week, and hopefully taking at least one class every day. Although I don't want to jinx it with my expectations.

1 comment:

  1. Are you ovulating?? If you are, it would explain things. I did last week and I was SO off-balanced and clumsy. I think I even have a few bruises from the excitement! Anyway...just something to consider:)
