Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yoga Therapy

I have a few things to write about, not least because I didn't post anything after my last practice. The class (on Friday) was a lot more strenuous than the ones I've been attending, but it was so good. At the end, my body was tired so my mind was quiet, and I really liked it. Tom put us into a shoulder stand and then into plow, which finally (!) released my lower back. It was so exciting to finish class and not have my back bugging me anymore.

Today in TT, we learned about the pelvis. And, I guess more importantly, we learned what bones do and don't do, and how it's vastly different for everyone. One person may be able to completely straighten their elbow, one might be able to bend it backward (at more than a 180-degree angle), and another might not be able to get it straight at all, and it's nothing they can change! How mind-blowing is that? I mean, I'm usually pretty accepting of what other people's bodies can do, but it's my own that gives me problems. I notice this especially in triangle pose- my pelvis only rotates so far! I've been thinking for years "oh, if I just did more yoga, I wouldn't suck as much," but alas: it's my bone structure. Wild. Also, good to know for teaching.

After kichiri for lunch, we sat down and talked about twenty-seven questions that ranged from "what time did you get up this morning?" to "what is an evil habit that you are trying to break?" to "what terrible event have you been carrying around with you for years?" I feel like answering those questions as a group really brought us close together, and maybe made us feel like we're not so alone as individuals. I was shocked when one of the other teacher trainees described exactly the way that I've been beating myself up because I don't feel like I'm "doing" what I'm supposed to be "doing." I'm trying to let go of things like anger and a short temper.

Then I went to work for six hours and out for nachos with the hubby. The nachos part was awesome, although I'm back to my sort of beginner-ayurvedic diet tomorrow!

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